Thanks a lot Paul for the answers.

-- Erez

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 2:49 PM
To: struts-user
Subject: Re: JAAS Struts & JBoss + Tomcat

On 04/07/2003 16:16 Erez Efrati wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to integrate the JAAS into my Struts application
> on JBoss 3.0.7 + Tomcat. I am a newbie here, and I would appreciate
> help on several questions:
> 1. From what I read here, I saw that I should probably use the FORM
> method, and that this page should not use any of the Struts tags. Is
> that right?

html:form might be a problem but bean:message works fine for me.

> 2. In my application, the first thing a user does is passing a
> registration wizard. How can I set different set of permissions using
> the web.xml to the registration wizard pages and to the rest of the
> application, where both are handled by the struts ActionServlet

The ActionServlet doesn't really enter into it. You define constaints 
against urls. So you might have a url / for your registration

wizard and / to show some detail page. Each would have its

own declared contraints in web.xml. I recommend reading the 2.3 servlet 

> 3. Regarding more to JBoss + Tomcat, I don't understand what happens
> when a web client accesses a protected page. Does JBossSX which
> implements the authentication takes over and perform the
> After the authentication is done, does my Struts action can invoke EJB
> methods freely or should they authenticate as well?

I can't answer that I'm afraid. I would suggest you get a sample app 
working under Tomcat alone then try deploying it under JBoss.


Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller 
Business |
| Computer Consultants         |   |

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