My goal in handling "business problems" in validating a form submission from an Action.execute() is 2-fold:

1: Display the accumulated ActionErrors (ie, using [html:errors/] )

2: "Return" the user to the exact same URL in their browser address bar.

I was using an action-mapping forward in struts-config to send them to the original .jsp they used to submit from. The errors were showing up (good), but the URL in the address bar was being shown as /dynamic/Path.jspa (bad)

So I changed the action-mapping, setting "redirect" to "true". Now the address bar was correct (good), but the error messages were gone (bad).

Then I did a lot of web searching, and discovered that I should be using the getInput.
So, now my execute() was returning: return new ActionForward(mapping.getInput());

This worked! The address bar was correct and the errors were still present.

Then I "upgraded" my struts library to 1.1b3. Now I'm back to the original problem of the address bar being right, but my errors are gone.

I found mapping.getInputForward(), and tried returning that, even going in and setting the redirect field to "true". I'm bouncing between the same 2 situations I had before.

Am I missing something? Is it no longer possible to have "the best of both worlds"? For whatever it may be worth, I'm using the -el sets of libraries (thank you for finally getting that!).. and jboss 3.07.. and xdoclet...

Thanks for any insight you can provide.

-- adam

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