First a quick note.  It seems that searching of the struts list archive
is not working.  A search for "forward" in the body is returning zero
results.  I think there should be just a few hits for that one. :-)

Next, I have developed a POC for a product I'm working on.  However,
struts is not currently an "approved" tool where I work.  I am looking
for statements by big companies / organizations like (especially) Sun,
Weblogic, IBM, etc. that are endorsing this tool.

I am also looking for a "Top 10" list of reason why we should approve it
as a viable tool irrespective of what other companies think.  I think
this was mentioned here a few weeks ago (which is why I mentioned the
issue with searching above), so I'll apologize up front for starting
this thread again.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Gregory F. March    -=-    -=-    AIM:GfmNet

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