Hi all,
 I have a confirm page which displays the confirmation message after
adding a new record. When I click on the done button I need to go to the
next page with the record id as a parameter.
I am able to do this with <nested:link > or <html:link>
Following is the code

<nested:link page="/jsp/au/cm/viewsla.do" paramId="slaId"
  <img src='<%=CommonConstants.IMAGE_PATH + "btn_done.gif"%>' border="0"

   alt="done" />

this saves me from submitting the form once done button is clicked.

But since my page follows a wizard pattern, I am putting the Actionform
bean in the session.

Now the problem is that I need to delete the action form bean from the
session, otherwise my session is becoming too heavy. And I cannot do
that till my JSP is rendered and the parameter to the next page is set.

One way I can think of is to set the value of 'slaID' as an attribute
before forwarding it to the confirm page and then in the confirm page
use it to set it as a parameter to the next page. 

Please suggest me of any better way of doing this. I am pretty much
fresh to the web world(hardly 2 months).

Thanks is advance

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