
Could anyone of you tell me why we ahuld not use Action chaining in
struts framework ?

I'm a Struts newbie, so maybe my answer ends up in a new question. But as far as I understand the action pattern (question 1: Are Struts actions commands as described in the GOF book). And as far as I understand this pattern, an action (or command) capsulates an action in an object. An action or command has no state (question 2: as far as I understand this pattern... maybe I'm wrong).

So - why do you want to chain actions? Maybe because one action "extends" another action, like one use case can extend another use case. In this case, somewhere a state must exists, because otherwise one action "includes" the other action. But a state must have no influence to an action.
If you have two actions with no other dependency but that the user can trigger them - so why do you need to chain them?

I neet to do two different actions for a user action. how can i wachieve
it without action chaining?

Maybe you can explain, why you need two different actions and why you think you have to chain them.


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