You r right about the EJB part. It really effects the performance and  i
think for a developer it's a nightmare.... just adding layers upon layers
to make a single function call.


                      "Konstadinis Euaggelos"                                          
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       "Struts Users Mailing List" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  
            >                     cc:                              
                                                      Subject:  Development time using 
                      29/07/2003 01:26 PM                                              
                      Please respond to                                                
                      "Struts Users Mailing                                            

Hi to all,  I want to raise a question here about development time using

I am using Struts about 4-months now,
I found it a very good framework for developing web-applications,  but the
devolpment time in contrary with the  classicc way(jsp, serlvet)
is much more using Struts.

Also i find it useless when you use ejb in your applications, you have to
make  "MANY" iteration to pass parameters & results from front-end to
back-end and vice-versa, which of cource costs to much in performance.

I would like to hear other struts-developers for their experience.


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