Thanks for your response David.  Correct me if I'm
wrong, but isn't this exactly what I had in my
example?  Maybe I'm just not grasping something...  
It looks to me like I'm still having to add two
<definition> blocks for each form I want to add. 
Under your "form_page" definition you point to form1
-OR- form2. But in reality can't you only have one or
the other?  I have an struts action pointing to each
form so wouldn't I have to do something like...

 <definition name="page" path="page.jsp"/>
 <definition name="form_page1" extends="page">
        <put name="body" value="form1">
 <definition name="form_page2" extends="page">
        <put name="body" value="form2">

 <definition name="form1" path="form_wrapper.jsp">
    <put name="body" value="form1.jsp"/>
 <definition name="form2" path="form_wrapper.jsp">
    <put name="body" value="form2.jsp"/>

So I would have an action pointing to "form_page1" and
an action pointing two "form_page2".  But I would have
to add two definitions to my tiles-config file for
each form.  It just seems redundant to me.

Sorry if I'm being dense, your patience is much
appreciated :-)

--- David Tobey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you just create a generic definition for a "form
> page". Then, switch out
> what you put for the body. Like this:
> <definition name="page" path="page.jsp"/>
> <definition name="form_page" extends="page">
>       <put name="body" value="form1">
>       <-- OR: <put name="body" value="form2"> -->
> </definition>
> <definition name="form1" path="form_wrapper.jsp">
>    <put name="body" value="form1.jsp"/>
> <definition>
> <definition name="form2" path="form_wrapper.jsp">
>    <put name="body" value="form2.jsp"/>
> <definition>
> ... etc ...
> Now you must create one new definition for each
> form, but to use a different
> one, just change what you use for the body of the
> "form_page".
> dave
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Terry Brick
> > Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 10:55 PM
> > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > Subject: Re: Please Help With Simple Tiles Problem
> >
> >
> > Ok, I've finally gotten this to work.  However, I
> > don't think it's the "right" solution and it's
> > certainly not one I'm happy with.  But maybe by
> > showing how I'm getting it to work, that will
> better
> > communicate to people what I'm trying SO HARD to
> do.
> >
> > This works:
> >
> > <definition name="page" path="page.jsp"/>
> >
> > <definition name="form1" extends="page">
> >    <put name="body" value="form1a"/>
> > <definition>
> >
> > <definition name="form1a" path="form_wrapper.jsp">
> >    <put name="form-body" value="form1.jsp"/>
> > </definition>
> >
> > So this gives me...
> > <page.jsp>
> >   <form_wrapper.jsp>
> >     <form1.jsp/>
> >   </form_wrapper.jsp>
> > </page.jsp>
> >
> > The problem is that "form1.jsp" will not always be
> > "form1.jsp".  I want to be able to swap that for a
> > "form2.jsp", "form3.jsp", etc.  Using this method,
> I
> > would have to add TWO definitions into the
> > tile-defs.xml for each new form I wanted!  (form2,
> > form2a, form3, form3a, etc)
> > There must be a better way where I only have to
> add a
> > single definition for each new form.  Any ideas?
> > Advice is much appreciated. Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >

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