Joe Germuska wrote:

At 14:12 -0700 8/7/03, James Mitchell wrote:

I noticed the check in of DigestingPlugIn and I want to try it out.

Unless I missed it somewhere, it's not clear to me how to use it. If it actually does what I'm
hoping/guessing (based on the name and comments), I'll be one happy camper!!!!

Can you give us a brief 'how to'?

I wrote up an example last weekend based on the version in jgs-struts -- see

Some of this may not apply directly to the version which was committed, but it should get you rolling. If there *are* discrepancies, we can discuss whether to adjust the version in CVS or adjust the docs.

I liked the factored out classes on you web site better than what was committed. Look for those
to make it into Struts real soon, (With your blessing) .


The xdocs for those two documentation pages are in the source distributions downloadable from

Let me know if I can clarify anything...


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