
i am still looking for a clean way to get an ActionForward to the page that called my 
current Action. That means e.g. I am a displayListAction and have been called by a 
selection screen. In case i don't find a result for the selection parameters I would 
like to 
bring a specific error to the calling selection screen. That would give users a chance 
change their selection. 

Sounding easy, this gets complicate in case there are several selection screens 
bringing up the same list. I don't like to create a specific forward for each 
selection page 
and then somehow determine which one called me (can do that, but there should be a 
nice way in such a famous framework?). 

The hint using 
        or new ActionForward(mapping.getInput())
didn't help me to much, seems to me there is hardcoded value inside, specified in the 
input attribute of the specific action.

How would an expert solve that problem?

 :-) Alex

>Looking for a way to get an ActionForward to the page calling the 
>current page. 
>The example: 
>Want to realize 5-XX pages where to enter values for a 
>calculation. The calculation & result page would check if 
>everything was fine (using db queries etc..)
>Now in case that one of the input values is incorrect / 
>missmatching the context, I'd like to redisplay the calling page 
>showing the values entered before + an error message. 
>How can i realize that without having to define specific forwards 
>to the 5 pages and then deciding which one was the calling one?
>Tried the ActionMapping.getInputForward(), but it brought back 
>null values in the ActionForward only.
>Comments and keywords to look for welcome.

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