I have an application that is accessed from another
application and I need to return a user to the
original application when the user logs out/times
out of my application.
I always get a "HTTP - Bad Request" error when I try
to forward to a URL from my DispatchAction class. I
have tried defining the URL path as a global forward
in my struts-config:

<forward   name="login" path="http://..."; />,

and used the following code in the Action class
 return (servlet.findForward("login"));
Also, I get the same result if I define the URL as a
constant and use the code below:

 return (new ActionForward(Constants.URL));
The reason I guess is that the ActionForward object
uses a relative path and inserts a "/" at the
beginning of the URL.

I have also tried in vain using

response.sendRedirect() does not redirect the user to
the URL, instead control goes to the next statement in
my DispatchAction class method.

I'm not sure if this is an Application Server issue...
I use OC4J, the application server that comes with
Oracle9iAS (

Is there any solution to this problem? 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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