I'm developing some administrative functions for our web app, currently im
working on a page where it will list all the permissions available with a
checkbox by each, and the ones the current user has will be checked.

I'm trying to decide the best way to go about it, becaues the permissions
are pulled from a database and so they could change everytime the page is
loaded, and obviously every user will have different permissions which need
to be checked.

It shouldnt be a problem to iterate through a list of permissions, but the
question I have is when I go to submit a the form to modify the users
permissions, the names of each checkbox (permission) will change, so how
would I develop a form to handle that?  And is there an easy way to populate
all the checkboxes when the page loads?

I'm using JSP's to handle it.. would love to use struts <html:XXX> tags if

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