I guess conceptually I'm just not understanding how this can work.
For presentation what I would ideally like is:

[X]    Permission Name    Permission Description
[   ]    Permission Name    Permission Description

Where each permission name is unique, the checkbox could be turned on or off
depending on a variable linked to the permission name, and also a permission

So on the display page there would need to be some kind of iterator that
iterates through the list of permissions, creating a checkbox with the
parameter being the permission name and its value being on or off, the
permissions name in a text field, and also a permission description text

I have classes built that represent a permission and a user, and classes
extending vector that hold a list of users and permissions.  The user class
can retrieve a list of the permissions it has.  The permissions class can
goto the database and make a vector containing permission elements to
represent all the permissions that are capable on the server.

Anyway I guess I am having a really hard time designing the form in such a
way that something can be iterateable in it, probably the permission name,
but also be able to get/store the permission name, description, and if the
user has it or not.

Sorry if im not more clear... been sitting here for around 3 hours trying to
figure out how to even start attacking this and ive read a lot but am
drawing a blank.

Thanks a ton in advance..

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Lowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Dynamic Form help

> You use indexed property.
> <html:text property="permission" indexed="true" />
> This stuff i quite well documented, what isn't well documented is how
> to dynamically change the length of an indexed property. I've been
> using ArrayList for this..
> <form-property name="permission" type="java.util.ArrayList" />
> You'll need to scope you form to session, as you get null pointers all
> over the show.
> ArrayList myList = new ArrayList();
> while(myObject.hasMoreStuff()) {
> myList.add(myObject.next())'
> }
> theForm.set("permission", myList);
> //also put the arraylist in an available context.
> request.setAttribute("permissions", myList.toArray());
> //jsp
> <logic:iterate id="perm" name="permissions">
> <html:text name="perm" property="deleteUser" indexed="true" />
> </logic:iterate>
> I'm still working on how to store the properties in the form when the
> size of the form property is changed. But I think this approach with
> solve what you're doing.
> Cheers Mark
> On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 07:22 PM, David Erickson wrote:
> > I'm developing some administrative functions for our web app,
> > currently im
> > working on a page where it will list all the permissions available
> > with a
> > checkbox by each, and the ones the current user has will be checked.
> >
> > I'm trying to decide the best way to go about it, becaues the
> > permissions
> > are pulled from a database and so they could change everytime the page
> > is
> > loaded, and obviously every user will have different permissions which
> > need
> > to be checked.
> >
> > It shouldnt be a problem to iterate through a list of permissions, but
> > the
> > question I have is when I go to submit a the form to modify the users
> > permissions, the names of each checkbox (permission) will change, so
> > how
> > would I develop a form to handle that?  And is there an easy way to
> > populate
> > all the checkboxes when the page loads?
> >
> > I'm using JSP's to handle it.. would love to use struts <html:XXX>
> > tags if
> > possible.
> >
> > Reccomendations welcome =)
> > Thanks
> >
> >
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