The closest I ever came to this sort of problem involved the following:
#1 Sending static content (and lots of it) through the servlet engine
instead of using the web server.  
#2 Not having enough request processors and listeners configured.  
#3 Not using pooling for my connections and killing the DBMS with new
connection requests.  
#4 Not properly closing/releasing my DBMS connections and consuming all
available memory.

So there you go, everything you should NOT do in a nutshell.

Unless you're 100% proof-positive sure that it is a synchronization issue in
your database portion, I would take a look at the above issues as potential
problem areas.

As far as synchronization is concerned, the only thing I can recommend is to
be sure you aren't using your ActionServlet or something high in the food
chain as your target,  otherwise that would seem to cause that sort of a

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Rogers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 12:51 PM
Subject: Struts and synchronization

I am using Struts 1.1 along with the Velocity tools to develop a fairly 
simple servlet (there are probably going to be no more than twenty 
actions total)

The problem that I am facing is a deadlock situation where Tomcat simply 
refuses to respond to any new requests and just stalls.  I think it may 
be due to some code in the model where I am using PreparedStatements 
(which are declared as synchronized).  Has anyone else run into a 
similar problem where the Struts framework takes an unreasonably long 
time to handle a request due to synchronized methods?  Is there any 
workaround, other than only using Statements in my model?

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