hello vicky,
Applet is heavy. So, when you use applets, it will take time for loading and also you involve in making clients install plugins. By using jsp and struts, it would be faster as you embed much of html code into the jsp. here, for example, I am attaching 2 of my jsp files 
(one jsp has left and right frames, second jsp code for navigation, and for the right side frame do not forget add this to the body attribute i.e.

<body class="common" >

I am guessing that you will modify this jsp code to your needs and write your own action class. Let me know if you have any problems (you can call me at 435-792-3392),

Vicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello group,

I have tree menu running in applet in one of my applications. Currently i am in the process of evaluating whether to continue with tree menu in applet or to develop tree menu using jsp, struts etc.? what are the pros and cons between these two options. Also i am looking for some example or tutorial for treee menu using jsp/struts. In my case data for tree menu are coming from xml file.

Any help would be appreciated. Also early response would be appreciated highly.


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<!DOCTYPE html
     PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ page import = "edu.usu.iNetTest.model.PerfTestNavigatorModel" %>

   PerfTestNavigatorModel perfTestNavigator= 
   String testTitle = perfTestNavigator.testTitle;

<html:html xhtml="true" locale="true">
    <title> Navigator </title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/iNetTest/styles.css" type="text/css" />

<body class="navigator">
<br/> <div class="testnavigator"> <%= testTitle %> </div> 
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >
   String backgroundImage = "/iNetTest/images/bck.gif";
    out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + backgroundImage 
+"\"> <br /> </td> </tr>");
                  + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + backgroundImage 
                  + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/em.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> " 
                  + "</td>"
                  + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>" 
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/editPerfTestInfo.do\" target=\"editPerfTestMain\"> Test Information </a>"
                  + "</td>"
                  + "</tr> <tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> <br /> </td> </tr>");
     if(perfTestNavigator.versionOpen == false) {
                  + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + backgroundImage 
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=versionsPlus\" >"
                  + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/plus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a> " 
                  + " </td>"
                  + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/listPerfTestVersions.do\" target=\"editPerfTestMain\"> Versions </a>"
                  + "</td>"
                  + "</tr> <tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> <br/> </td> </tr> ");
     else if(perfTestNavigator.versionOpen == true) {
        out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\">"
                 + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=versionsMinus\" >"
                 + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/minus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a>"
                 + " </td> "
                 + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>" 
                 + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/listPerfTestVersions.do\" target=\"editPerfTestMain\"> Versions </a>"
                 + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >");
        for(int i=0;i < perfTestNavigator.versions.size(); i++) {
           if( i == (perfTestNavigator.versions.size()-1) )
               backgroundImage = "";
                       + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> "
                       + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/em.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"'\" />"
                       + "</td>"
                       + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                       + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=versionId "+ perfTestNavigator.versions.get(i) 
+"\" target=\"editPerfTestMain\" >"
                       + "<i> Version " + perfTestNavigator.versionsOrder.get(i) + 
"</i> </a>"
                       + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 > 
                       + "</td>"
                       + "</tr>");
                       //+ "<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> <br /> </td> </tr>");
        out.println("</table> </td> </tr> ");
        for(int i=0;i < perfTestNavigator.versions.size(); i++) {
            out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = 
\"/iNetTest/images/bck.gif \"> </td> </tr>");
        out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = 
\"/iNetTest/images/bck.gif \"> <br /> </td> </tr>");
    backgroundImage = "/iNetTest/images/bck.gif";
    if(perfTestNavigator.taskOpen == false) {
                  + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + backgroundImage 
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=plus\" >"
                  + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/plus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a>" 
                  + " </td>"
                  + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/listEditPerfTasks.do\" target=\"editPerfTestMain\">  Tasks </a>"
                  + "</td>"
                  + "</tr>");
     else if(perfTestNavigator.taskOpen == true) {
                 +  "<td  width='16' valign='top' >"
                 + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=minus\" >"
                 + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/minus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a>"
                 + " </td> "
                 + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                 + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/listEditPerfTasks.do\" target=\"editPerfTestMain\">  Tasks </a>"
                 + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >");
        for(int i=0;i < perfTestNavigator.taskOrder.size(); i++) {
           if( i == (perfTestNavigator.taskOrder.size()-1) )
               backgroundImage = "";
                       + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> "
                       + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/em.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"'\" />"
                       + "</td>"
                       + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                       + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=taskId "+ perfTestNavigator.taskId.get(i) +"\" 
target=\"editPerfTestMain\" >"
                       + "<i> Task " + perfTestNavigator.taskOrder.get(i) + "</i> </a>"
                       + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 > 
                       + "</td>"
                       + "</tr>");
        out.println("</table> </td> </tr>");
  else{//create a test
   //if(perfTestNavigator.taskId.size() > 0) {   
      backgroundImage = "/iNetTest/images/bck.gif";
      out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> <br /> </td> </tr>");
      if(perfTestNavigator.versionOpen == false) {
                  + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + backgroundImage 
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=versionsPlus\" >"
                  + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/plus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a> " 
                  + " </td>"
                  + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                 // + " Versions "
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/performanceTestFileupload.do\" target=\"performanceTestFileupload\"> 
Versions </a>"
                  + "</td>"
                  + "</tr> <tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> <br /> </td> </tr> ");
     else if(perfTestNavigator.versionOpen == true) {
        out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\">"
                 + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=versionsMinus\" >"
                 + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/minus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a>"
                 + " </td> "
                 + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>" 
                // + " Versions "
                 + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/performanceTestFileupload.do\" target=\"performanceTestFileupload\"> 
Versions </a>"
                 + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >");
        for(int i=0;i < perfTestNavigator.versions.size(); i++) {
           if( i == (perfTestNavigator.versions.size()-1) )
               backgroundImage = "";
                       + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> "
                       + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/em.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"'\" />"
                       + "</td>"
                       + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                       + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=versionId "+ perfTestNavigator.versions.get(i) 
+"\" target=\"performanceTestFileupload\" >"
                       + "<i> Version " + perfTestNavigator.versionsOrder.get(i) + 
"</i> </a>"
                       + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 > 
                       + "</td>"
                       + "</tr>");
                      // + "<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> <br /> </td> </tr>");
        out.println("</table> </td> </tr> ");
    out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + backgroundImage 
+"\"> <br /> </td> </tr>");
    if(perfTestNavigator.taskOpen == false) {
                  + "<td  width='16' valign='top' >"
                  + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=plus\" >"
                  + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/plus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a>" 
                  + " </td>"
                  + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap> <b> Tasks </b>"
                  + "</td>"
                  + "</tr>");
     else if(perfTestNavigator.taskOpen == true) {
        out.println("<tr> <td  width='16' valign='top' >"
                 + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=minus\" >"
                 + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/minus.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"+\" /> </a>"
                 + " </td> "
                 + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap> <b> Tasks </b>"
                 + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 >");
        for(int i=0;i < perfTestNavigator.taskId.size(); i++) {
           if( i == (perfTestNavigator.taskId.size()-1) )
               backgroundImage = "";
                       + "<td  width='16' valign='top' background = \"" + 
backgroundImage +"\"> "
                       + "<img src=\"/iNetTest/images/em.gif\" height=14  width=16  
border=0 alt=\"'\" />"
                       + "</td>"
                       + "<td height='14' width='100%' valign='top' noWrap>"
                       + "<a class=\"testnavigator\" href = 
\"/iNetTest/perfNavigator.do?clicked=taskId "+ perfTestNavigator.taskId.get(i) +"\" 
target=\"performanceTestFileupload\" >"
                       + "<i> Task " + perfTestNavigator.taskId.get(i) + "</i> </a>"
                       + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 > 
                       + "</td>"
                       + "</tr>");
        out.println("</table> </td> </tr>");

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<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/iNetTest.tld" prefix="iNetTest" %>

<html:html xhtml="true" locale="true">
    <title> Creating New Performance Test </title>

<frameset rows="60,*" frameborder=0>
  <frame src="/iNetTest/admin/performance/iNetTestHeader.jsp" name="iNetTestHeader" 
  <frameset cols="17%, 83%" frameborder=0>
    <frame src="/iNetTest/admin/performance/perfNavigator.jsp" name="perfNavigator"  />
    <frame src="/iNetTest/admin/performance/perfTestFileupload.jsp" 
name="performanceTestFileupload" />


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