Have you looked at tiles controllers? They can be defined at the definition
or tile level, and can be used to dynamically include data into a tile at
runtime? Specifically I use them with a small tag lib that populates a view
JavaBean that is then passed to each tile.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Erickson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 1:04 PM
To: Struts Mailing List
Subject: Adding to a tiles definition at runtime?

Is there any possible way to add additional variables to a tiles definition
at runtime or to modify them? IE here is a definition:
<definition name=".menu.Software" path="/tiles/menu.jsp">

<putList name="menus">

<add value="Home"/>

<add value="SW1"/>

<add value="SW2"/>

<add value="SW3"/>

<add value="SW4"/>

<add value="SW5"/>

<add value="SW6"/>



And then my menu jsp iterates through that list of menus adding them.  The
problem is I need a seperate tiles definition for every possible menu
configuration, and then if I want an action that forwards to a definition
that could show different menus.. etc etc it gets to be a pain. So would it
be possible to change whats in that list or add to that list in my action
before I forward to a tiles def? *Shrug just trying to get some ideas
together here*.

If that is not possible then my next question is in my baselayout.jsp I have

<tiles:insert attribute="menu"/> tag.  In which scope does it search for a
variable named menu?  and if i changed that to <tiles:insert
attribute="$menu"/> or something of that nature could it change at runtime
based on something in my request/or session scope?

Thanks in advance!

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