that should possibly be a problem with MS explorer 6.0 session ....
put that in to the request rather than session and try again... u can get the culprit
-- nagi
-------Original Message-------
Date: Monday, August 25, 2003 03:23:38 PM
Subject: Problems with: cannot find bean under name concesiones
I obtain the folowing error to access a my JSP Page. Only if i use Internet Explorer 6.0.2 in Windows XP

"javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: cannot find bean under name concesiones"


<html:select styleClass="formTextoPeq" property="concesion" >
<logic:notPresent name="servicios">
<html:option value="">Seleccione
<html:options collection="concesiones" property="identificador" labelProperty="etiqueta"/>
</html:select> </td>


ArrayList concesiones = new ArrayList();

HttpSession sessionActual = request.getSession();
sessionActual.setAttribute("concesiones",(ArrayList) concesiones);

Any solution? Why only in Internet explorer 6, in 5.5 or Netscape 7 works!!

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