On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 20:10:07 +0000, Adolfo Miguelez wrote:
> Just to share my experience with singletons: under heavy stress we found 
> that a singleton class in our framework was garbage collected. As far as I 
> remember, singletons are eligible for that with current SDKs despite policy 
> has changed over times as I read from some document in the web.
> They were eligible for GC if its ClassLoader is GCd and they are not 
> referenced by any object... or something like that. Please check for 
> accuracy.

This is very interesting. Which SDK implementation did you see this

The single reference to the DAO is actually inside the DAOFactory not the
DAO itself (hence it is not a traditional Singleton) so hopefully this
will prevent the scenerio of it being GC'd.
Or will I have to go further and reference it inside a Struts context as
well? (Eg use the Struts plugin mechanism).


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