This is nonsense.
I use NetBeans 3.5.1 with j2sdk1.4.2, and I rarely restart it (manually or
through a crash) more than one a week. Right now it has been running for
over three weeks fine. The speed issue is relative, what is slow? 
NetBeans 3.5.x version was primarily improvements to performance in the
IDE, now it is very fast and responsive. I have never had any problems
with speed on this version of NetBeans. (Unless you choose to turn on
every single plug in, and try experimenting with everyone at once, ...
eclipse users complain about poor performance under these conditions as

Oh, and to have a jab, didn't IBM try to announce Eclipse as the first
open source true Java IDE? NetBeans was open source a good year or two
before Eclipse, and Eclipse isn't 100% java!! It is an interesting
reflection between Sun and IBM, Sun focus' more on technical issues and
IBM more on marketing. Nonetheless it is great the two opensource IDEs
exist to encourage competition between the two camps.


On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 20:43:04 -0600, James Harman wrote:
> Maybe because "it is slow, and crash like once everyday".
> Andy Cheng wrote:
>>Hi, I have never used anything else very seriously except Netbeans.  I
>>think it is slow, and crash like once everyday, but the feature it offer
>>really is worth the trouble.  It can generate the get and set method, it
>>will update any classes that implement the interface you are editing,
>>ultra good search and highlighting.  You can basically customize
>>everything you can see too... I really cannot understand why people do
>>not like it.

"Driving ambition is the last refuge of the failure." Oscar Wilde
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