   could someone suggest what I'm doing wrong here?

I've got a form with an associated ActionForm, several members of which
are collections. I display them like this:

<logic:iterate property="domainRoles" name="myForm" id="domain">

<tr class="dataTableHeader">

        <td align="left"><c:out value="${domain.roleDescription}"/></td>


Whilst single valued fields are displayed like:

<html:textarea property="notes" cols="15">

All seems well, and everything displays fine. However, the ActionForm
has a validate() method, which send the user back at the form, which
displays some error messages. When this happens, however, the JSP
doesn't display the collections from the ActionForm, only single valued

Can anyone suggest what I'm doing wrong here?



Graham Stark, Virtual Worlds
phone: (+044) 01908 618239 mobile: 07952 633185
Homepage http://www.virtual-worlds.biz
Virtual Learning Arcade http://www.bized.ac.uk/virtual/vla
Virtual Economy http://www.bized.ac.uk/virtual/economy         

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