Well, that's a very nice question.

I have created 1 jar file that's called commons-exceptions.jar (I like
apache commons a lot :-)
Then it depends upon your packaging how do you wish to go about it. I
generally keep this in my app.war.

>Please provide your input on the directory structure.(at web
>layer and also at application layer) or exception classes
>should be at root level?

Keep any directory structure that you wish. As an example, these base
exceptions can be in com/navjot/exceptions.

then you can have
+ web specific exceptions in /com/navjot/web/member/exceptions/
+ ejb specific exceptions in /com/navjot/ejb/member/exceptions/
>Also let me know whether your base exception classes (AppException
>and AppRuntimeException) extend from Exception or
>EJBException or something else?

My AppException extends from Exception and AppRuntimeException extends from

>For each different type of exception situation, should
>we have different exception classes or just a set of classes
>solve the purpose?

Ideally, exceptions are bound to some flaw in business logic. So should be
kept together.

However, if you wish, you may replace
DuplicateEmailException & DuplicateUserException

- what               /*what is duplicate, email oruser*/
+ getWhat():String
+ setWhat(Stirng)

It's just another way that is desired sometimes. Personally, I never
followed this staregy ;-)

>Thanks Navjot for reply.

Navjot Singh

-----Original Message-----
From: Navjot Singh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 6:23 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Exception framework Usage

hi viral,

You are thinking in the right direction. That's the way i do it.

I have got 2 base exception classes. AppException and AppRuntimeException.

1. The exceptions that come under the purview of the business logic and
these can be handled somehow at the controller/model layer to alter the flow
of control MUST extend AppException.

2. The exceptions that does not come under the purview of the business logic
and raise because of the system or network problems MUST extend

However, one must use some common sense to decide which exception should go
Say, we are connecting to some URL and it may throw TimeoutException. which
is not a checked exception. We must be ready to capture this and throw some
checked exception.
The caller may catch the exception and try connecting again....may be thrice
;-) and if still no luck the caller passes on the message to PRESENTATION.

So your code will not be cluttered with "throws XRuntimeException" and
tthese exceptions MUST be handled back at CONTROLLER layer only. MODEL layer
should just handle CHECKED exceptions.

At Controller  => DuplicateEmailException extends AppException (we may
display the same form showing error on top)
At Model => InsufficientBalanceException extends AppException (we may charge
as much as he has got and rest of the amount we will accomodtae in next

DatabaseAccessException extends AppRuntimeException ( as there is hardly
anything we can do about this. We MAY show some nice "SORRY" page and/or may
LOG this exception somewhere)

BTW, there is some nice article on "Exception handling" on IBM Developer
site. Do check.

hope this helps and suggestions are welcome.
Navjot Singh

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Viral_Thakkar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, September 01, 2003 5:50 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Exception framework Usage


  Please suggest the exception framework in a scenario in a following

  Struts Action class  a Business Delegate --> EJB a OR Mapping (Top link) a
Domain classes

  Please validate the below lines.

  There will be three layers at which we need to handle the exception.

  At EJB layer, at business delegate and at struts layer.

    1.. EJB layer (session bean) methods will throw the (Application)
business exceptions along with RemoteException. In the catch block it will
throw the EJBException (in case of checked system exceptions like
    2.. At business delegate layer, we will throw the application exceptions
in the catch block rather than EJBException to decouple the web layer and
EJB layer.
    3.. At struts layer, in the Action class's execute(), we will catch all
these business exceptions.

  Please provide your valuable inputs.

  Thanks in advance.

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