Hi all,

 I have an action frames.fo, which load a frame according to some arameters.
It works rigth in explorer and Netscape, but when I load the URL in Opera
browser, the pages URL of each frame is changed and itīs added the
"WEB-INF/jsp" directory in the URL.

 I mean, for example, if the frameset is loaded in this page:


and in the source one frame is defined (and loaded in browser) in this way:

<frame name="bottomLeft" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"
src="frames.do?posicion=frameBottomLeft&action=default" scrolling="AUTO"
bordercolor="#666666" frameborder="0">

  Opera browser gives the next error:

        Resource /application/WEB-INF/jsp/frames.do not found on this server

  I have all the JSPs inside WEB-INF directory to protect them. But I canīt
imagine whatīs the HTTP request Opera is doing. Why does it search for the
JSP as if the URL contains WEB-INF directory?

  Can anybody help, please?

     Jose R.

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