I wasn't criticising your suggestions about how to do a migration - you've obviously got experience there. I was suggesting you, or rather Prashanth, look at the possibility of a fresh start.

I read the chapter in Struts in Action about migrating normal JSPs to Tiles, and that was complex enough without doing the rest of struts at the same time.

There are so many tasks involved in designing a struts app, e.g. seperating out business logic, employing Validator, perhaps DynaActionForms, Tiles as mentioned, evolving a sensible JDBC set-up, security, blah blah blah. You've got to look at why you are considering upgrading in the first place. Is it to make the application easier to develop in the future? Or is it to make the app more commercially marketable ("powered by struts") or is it because the current design defies further development? Or other reasons. The point being, if you don't start from scratch, then your migration path will meet heavy compromises along the way. Things will necessarily get messy. I would say to be successful, you would need an in-depth knowledge of struts before you start, as well as an in-depth knowledge of the app itself. Otherwise you are almost certainly doomed to make a mess of the whole thing.

It's just my 2 cents anyway and I don't know the background.


On 09/03/2003 12:21 AM Mark Lowe wrote:

On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 10:01 PM, Adam Hardy wrote:

Man, I'd just start again from scratch if I could.

Wouldn't we all. Not sure thats very realistic, but if you've the biggest budget in the world then i guess it would be okay. But then if you're pulling that kind of revenue in i doubt there's the time either. Telling your client/boss whoever that things aren't as good as perhaps they think things probably isn't the most politic thing one could do.

Migrating a taglibs-based app across to a struts-framework could unleash all sorts of difficult problems.

I haven't found any, like what exactly?. One clear advantage of struts is its seamless compatibility with any legacy java/jsp. Sure its a good framework because it encourages MVC, but its also a good framework because it doesn't enforce it.

If you wanted to first step to porting then mapping the links as forwards i'd say is the most pragmatic first step i can think off. Certainly more pragmatic than starting from scratch.

Gradually move to forms out that sort of thing. The team become more familiar with struts without too much pressure. Scriptets can be moved into actions as part of the maintenance cycle, you can also if appropriate have the client pay for some of the work as maintenance.

Now excuse me if I'm wrong, but my humble suggestion leaves a lot of room to move, and minimizes risk. Your suggestion would be costly, risky, have no contingency options when situations change.

I sympathize with you artisan attitudes, but I've learnt to keep an eye on my disposition toward this sort of thing.

Thanks for the wisdom



On 09/02/2003 06:10 PM Mark Lowe wrote:

I don't know of a url. but I'd start with just using you jsp's as they are, and then map all them all to forwards in struts-config. Struts console is useful and it validates config files also.
So you'll then have a struts config file with
<action path="/myaction"
forward="/jsp/mypage.jsp />
Change the links directly to the jsp's for:
<html:link page="/myaction.do">
<c:url url="/myaction.do"> ( I think )
This will help to start thinking in a event based way (eg. Login.do, Save.do). I think by this time things will become less foggy and you'll start having ideas about where you want to go.
Hope this helps
On Tuesday, September 2, 2003, at 02:25 PM, Prashanth.S wrote:

Hi all,
i asked this question previously and i havent got reply...I need to know how best can we migrate from present running application which uses jsp[and lot of custom taglibs] to struts...
Any url reference would also be usefull
Thanks in advance

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