My experience with the html/xhtml quandary is that  if the <html:xhtml />
tag is used, then all the tags except <form> are valid "xhtml 1.0+ dtd
tags".  This is because the form tag insists on using the 'name="foo"'
attribute.  The name attribute has been deprecated in favor of id.

             Mark Lowe                                                     
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             .com>                                                      To 
                                       "Struts Users Mailing List"         
             09/03/03 01:10 PM         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
             Please respond to                                     Subject 
               "Struts Users           Re: Subject: Re: Struts html tags   
               Mailing List"           and XHTML 1.0....Again              
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

Re: my last post about not working with tiles. Seems to work fine if
you place <html:xhtml /> in the tiles itself..


On Wednesday, September 3, 2003, at 06:24 PM, Marco Tedone wrote:

> Well, I download the binaries of Struts 1.1 and the functionality is
> supported.
> Hope this will help,
> Marco
> From: Mark Lowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> That's great..
> I'm running 1.1 , yes and the base tag renders as xhtml. I'll certainly
> be sleeping more soundly.
> I've just downloaded the latest stable release and as far as form
> elements are concerned it doesn't, either that or it just hates me. As
> I imagine you know, these changes are in the head version in cvs, so i
> guess they'll be along with the next release or something. But struts
> 1.1 doesn't seem to ship with this functionality.
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