I tried it and still form is not retaining the value

this is the select i declared in my jsp
<html:select size="6"  property="s2" multiple="5"   style="width: 80px" >

there were another issue in the function which map the fields to the form

till date my dynaaction form were using just String.
so i got away with 
DynaClass dynaClass = form.getDynaClass();
                DynaProperty[] props = dynaClass.getDynaProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
                        Object propertyNameObj = props[i].getName();
String fieldValue = (String) form.get(propertyNameObj.toString()); 

But when i used string[] this was throwing ClassCast exception. and i couldn't find 
anyway to check if form.get(propertyNameObj.toString()) return a String or 
String[]..So i just put (String) form.get(propertyNameObj.toString()); in  a try/Catch 
block and in the catch block i checked for Classcast Exception and then i did
 String[] temp=(String[]) form.get(propertyNameObj.toString());.....Assuming the 
classcast exception is thrown just because form.get(propertyNameObj.toString() 
returned a String Array......Bad  Programming..but couldn't find any other way to do 

Still i have issues..ie my Form is not retaining the multiselect box value..ie when 
any action in the same form post the form and comes back to the same page, i loose the 
data in the multi select box. i tried by selecting the values in the multi select 
box..but still not working...any ideas..?????

thank you

Thank you

Mathew Manoj
Group Information Systems (H243)
* (515)362-0539

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