Your path looks like a tile.  I wrote about this
problem a week or two ago and you should've been
able to find it in the archives of this group.
It is documented on the logic forward tag as:

Note: forwarding to Tiles definitions is not
supported from this tag. You should forward to
them from an Action subclass.


-----Original Message-----
From: koen boutsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2003 11:12 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: logic forward problem


I want to send my user to a .jsp page and immediately send him to
the next, without having to click anything on the intermediate page,
or even without having to see this page.
I tried with :
<logic:forward name="scrollForwardOrganisation" />
I know this works when you put a global forward in the struts-config
with as forward the target jsp.

I have to use a definition where I want to send my user to, and
when I put the definition as a forward in the global forwards, I get a
pageNotFound error.
This is my global forward
<forward name="scrollForwardOrganisation"

Does someone know what I can do ?



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