At 11:10 -0500 9/11/03, Bill Milbratz wrote:
Thanks Nazeer for the quick response. A follow up:
Extend the com.participate.util.client.struts.ApplicationActionMapping
to  have a getter and setter method for "continue" and change the
className in the Struts config.

What type for this 'continue' ? (i.e. boolean or String)

Also, how does struts use this? I grepped for 'setContinue' and 'getContinue' and didn't find it anywhere.

When, inside an <action> element, you have a <set-property property="X" value="Y" />, Struts uses that as an instruction to call a method on the ActionMapping class.

        <!-- Display Public Profile -->
        <action path="/profile/publicprofile"

                name="publicProfileForm" scope="request"


<set-property property="public" value="true"/>

            <forward name="continue"
path="/profile/include/publicprofile.jsp" />

So, in this, Struts is looking at an instance of "com.participate.util.client.struts.ApplicationActionMapping" for a method called "setPublic(...)"

The type of the "public" property can be anything that ConvertUtils can convert from a String. (See to learn more about this very important library which was factored out of Struts and which provides a lot of the important behavior in Struts).

In this case, I'd expect property to be String, Boolean, or boolean.

I don't know the com.participate classes, so I have no idea if you're using it correctly, but this is what Struts is trying to do, and that's why Struts (actually Digester, another important Commons package) says java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Bean has no property named public

I'm not sure why Nazeer suggested adding a "continue" property, unless he was accidentally looking at your <forward> element instead of your <set-property> element.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] "If nature worked that way, the universe would crash all the time." --Jaron Lanier

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