Title: RE: actionmapping set-property problem in 1.1 upgrade

>So, in this, Struts is looking at an instance of
>"com.participate.util.client.struts.ApplicationActionMapping" for a
>method called "setPublic(...)"

Right.  This class has had a setPublic(boolean) for a long time and it's worked correctly in struts 1.0.

Only when I updated to struts 1.1 today did the problem arise.

It looks like struts as of 1.1 does not use the classname attribute in the action element as it did in 1.0:

        <action path="/profile/publicprofile"
                name="publicProfileForm" scope="request"
              <set-property property="public" value="true"/>
            <forward name="continue" path="/profile/include/publicprofile.jsp" />

[2003-09-11 09:24:45,031] [ERROR] org.apache.commons.digester.Digester (Digester.java:1275) - Begin event threw exception

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: Bean has no property named public      at org.apache.commons.digester.SetPropertyRule.begin(SetPropertyRule.java:192)  at org.apache.commons.digester.Rule.begin(Rule.java:200)

Thanks for the comments on the  Digester and ConvertUtils. I'll check them out.


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