I need to make a multi-step form.

I have a problem between 2 step (2 JSP Form).

the user fill the form of step 1 (1.jsp) and submit to Action1
Action1 stores the data provided by the user and this same action have to
fill a second form data shown by the second JSP (2.jsp).

i made this mappings in struts-config :

<action path="step1" type="step1" name="1Form" input="1.jsp"
    <forward name="step2" path="2.jsp"></forward>

public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm
form,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws
IOException, ServletException {
    ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
    ActionForward forward = new ActionForward();
    1Form formulaire = (1Form) form;
    2Form form2 = new 2Form();
    forward = mapping.findForward("step2");

But at step2 ("2.jsp")
    my <html:text property="data1"/> is empty.

So give me any solution if you have it please

i found a solution with i second action but i don't like it :
the first action maps with the "1Form" and forward to the second action that
maps with the "2Form"
so making this line : "2Form formulaire = (2Form) form;" in the perform
method of  the second action fix my problem.

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