Hi Mattias,
We have run into another problem with the workflow extension.

We are not using the auto validation mechanism of struts(We set validate=false in 
action mapping.)

Following is the scenario where we run into problem.The relevant workflow action 
mapping parameters are indicated in brackets.

Order Entry workflow:
1.page 1 :OrderEntryScreen:The action OrderEntryOpenAction will get the relevant data 
required to be shown to create the order and send the user to order entry 
screen.Configuration for OrderEntryOpenAction is((newState = 1,nextState=2).So when 
the user gets the OrderEntry screen, the action OrderEntryOpenAction  has been already 
executed and hence the workflow is in state 1.

2.When the user says ok on OrderEntry screen, OrderReviewAction is called which on 
success will send user to OrderReviewWcreen.The OrderReviewAction is configured as 
(prevState=1,newState = 2,nextState=3).

As we are not using struts auto validation mechanism , the data is validated inside 
the execute method of action and in case of errors, user is sent back to input which 
is generally the same jsp which got the input.SO in OrderReviewAction, I perform the 
validations and I get an validation error, so I do  return new 
ActionForward(mapping.getInput()); inside the action.But here as we are already inside 
the execute of the OrderReviewAction, the workflow checks have already been done and 
the workFlow state is already set to 2(Eventhough in this action we received 
validation exception.)So when I do a forward to input(which directly goes to jsp),I 
get workFLow exception because the forward to jsp is just a forward to input of action 
mapping .And this does not have any of the workFlow attributes set.So this can not 
pass the previous state or next state checks of the workFLowLogic.

So how have you handled this case?Should the validation failure be also pointing to 
another mapping which will reset the workFLow state to previous state?

Any ideas are most welcome.


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