Here's roughly what you want to do to get 'Foo is an invalid email address':

Make sure you've added this to you
file as the 'email' rule expects a message named '' - check the code for it
and you will see.{0} is an invalid e-mail address.

below is a snippet from my JSP where the e-mail entry field is declared:

<td width="24%" align="right"><bean:message key="validateForm.emailField.displayname"/></td>
<td width="76%" align="left">
<html:text property="emailField" />
<html:errors property="emailField" />

and the associated entry in the validation.xml file...

            <field property="emailField" depends="email" >
                <arg0 key="validateForm.emailField.errorname"/>

other pertinent entries (for the code above) in the file:

validateForm.emailField.displayname=<span class="formLabel">An email:</span>

works great - makes its own sauce...


On Friday, October 3, 2003, at 03:25 AM, Jeroen Breedveld wrote:

Hi all,

Is it possible to supply the msg element with the value the user entered
in the form as the content of the arg element?

My key is: {0} is an invalid email address
So when a user enters 'foo' as an email adres I want an error message
saying: 'foo is an invalid email address'

Is this possible? Here is the code:

    <form name="MailPasswordForm">
      <field property="email" depends="required,email">
        <msg name="required" key=""/>
        <msg name="email" key=""/>
        <arg0 name="email" key="email"/>

Thanks and regards,



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