I've done a good bit of research on this, and here's the general impression
I get from various different sources:

* EJBs are good when you need very advanced enterprise features like
advanced transaction support and a distributed architecture.  However, you
need to be careful that your EJBs are designed correctly or they can have
serious performance problems.
* Hibernate is the most popular object-to-relational tool on the market
right now.  (I plan to use it in my next project.)  The one downside is that
it uses the LGPL license, which can be a problem on some projects.
* Lots of people like OJB, but I heard once it was tricky to set up.  If you
can't use Hibernate because of the license, this would probably be your
second-best choice.  (see Joe's email for additional comments).
* Torque is a Jakarta DB project that I am currently using.  It makes me
nervous because it depends on a few nightly builds and other components in
the sandbox.
* In the future it looks like JDO will be a good choice.  It is a
persistence mechanism for Java objects.  Strictly speaking, it is not an
object-to-relational mapping tool *yet* but I heard it will be when JDO 2.0
comes out.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sasha Borodin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 3:09 PM
Subject: EJB's vs. Hibernate vs. Torque vs. custom DTO's

> I hope I'm not comparing apples and oranges; if I am, please excuse the
> ignorance, and slap me upside the head...
> The subject line says it all - I'm investigating the appropriate uses of
> above technologies to move data between databases and objects.  Thus far
> my development career, I've relied on my own DTO's - homegrown primitive
> lazy loading, caching, etc.
> As I'm starting projects for other companies, I'm realizing that no one
> wants home-grown solutions where standards and proven products have
> filled the niche.
> Thus, I'd like to get some opinions as to the level of complexity and
> appropriate use of EJBs and other object-relational bridging technologies.
> Who uses what, why, and where? :-)
> -Sasha Borodin
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