I might as well chime in here.  I've used Hibernate and iBatis on my last
two projects.  Using them made it super simple to implement the data tier.
In fact, in both projects, it took under a week to do all the CRUD stuff
needed for our applications.  I also developed a 23 table / 21 page JSP
application in 70 hours using my AppFuse project (which uses Hibernate,
XDoclet and Struts).  I think they're both great, but I prefer Hibernate b/c
of it's integration with XDoclet.  

But that's just me, and I'm probably biased because I took the time to learn
Hibernate and how it works with XDoclet and Struts.  iBatis was much easier
to learn in my experience.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 1:53 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: EJB's vs. Hibernate vs. Torque vs. custom DTO's

In the end, this is a team decision and which decision is right is going 
to depend on who else is on the team. Each of the technologies has their 
own merits and demerits (which is why we keep creating them).

But, if you are used to writing your own DTOs, and all other things 
remaining equal, you should take a good look at iBATIS Database Layer.


It is not an Object Relational Mapping framework, but does a truly 
excellent job of separating data persistence from the rest of your 
application. Clinton posted a very fine comparison of SQL Mapping and 
ORM here:


A real plus for a Struts developer is that there is a realistic, 
best-practices, soup-to-nuts example Struts/iBATIS application available:


Regardless of whatever choice you make, I would strongly recommend 
taking a close look at the DAO framework that ships with iBATIS. It is 
not dependant on the iBATIS SqlMaps and can be used with Hibernate, OJB, 
or whatever else. Or nothing else. I also use the iBATIS DAO framework 
to switch to a mock database for testing. (This is the sort of thing Joe 
meant by "persistence interface".)


Sasha Borodin wrote:
> I hope I'm not comparing apples and oranges; if I am, please excuse the
> ignorance, and slap me upside the head...
> The subject line says it all - I'm investigating the appropriate uses of
> above technologies to move data between databases and objects.  Thus far
> my development career, I've relied on my own DTO's - homegrown primitive
> lazy loading, caching, etc.
> As I'm starting projects for other companies, I'm realizing that no one
> wants home-grown solutions where standards and proven products have
> filled the niche.
> Thus, I'd like to get some opinions as to the level of complexity and
> appropriate use of EJBs and other object-relational bridging technologies.
> Who uses what, why, and where? :-)
> -Sasha Borodin
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Ted Husted,
   Junit in Action  - <http://www.manning.com/massol/>,
   Struts in Action - <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>,
   JSP Site Design  - <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=1861005512>.

"Get Ready, We're Moving Out!!" - <http://www.clark04.com>

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