>At 8:52 AM +0000 10/9/03, Adolfo Miguelez wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>time ago I have seem in Jakarta/Apache a java framework for 
>>standalone Java apps (swing) (i.e. not web related). Can, any of 
>>you, help me to remember, or even provide some links to other open 
>>source standalone client/server frameworks out of Apache?
>You may be thinking of Avalon, which is not swing specific, but which 
>is also not web specific -- see http://avalon.apache.org
>I can't think of any Swing framework at Apache, although a few 
>projects have GUI elements.

Avalon can easily be used for a Swing application (or any sort of application
including standalone servers).  I have several Swing apps in production that
are based on Avalon Fortress and a new server app based on Avalon Merlin. 
There's also a specific Swing framework for avalon called GIUapp

If you're interested, check out the online docs (which need updated) and send
an email over to the avalon mailing lists.


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