The whole use-a-named-property-for-everything is great so that marketing can change 
the text/copy without involving a HTML/JSP developer, as well as the future ability to 
I18N a site down the road.  However some things just get ugly.
Old line of HTML:
The FedEx Custom Critical <a href="/us/shipping/default.shtml">Shipping Toolkit</a> 
enables you to:

New lines w/ tags:
<bean:message key=""/>&nbsp;
<a href="<bean:message key="href.shippingToolkit"/>">
  <bean:message key="link.shippingToolkit"/>
&nbsp;<bean:message key="message.benefit.two"/>

(I know I could use a <html:link> tag)

Any ideas for making this simpler?  Should I just define one large resource like:

message.benefits=The FedEx Custom Critical&nbsp;<a 
href="/us/shipping/default.shtml">Shipping Toolkit</a>&nbsp;enables you to:

Then simply do:
<bean:message key="message.benefits"/>




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