On 10/10/2003 11:09 PM Evan Schnell wrote:
From my experience working with human translators this might be a better approach. Translators like to be able to manipulate word order and punctuation. It is a little more code but I'll argue that it is not any less readable. Most importantly it works with Struts links and will properly encode the URL:

applicationResources.properties: message.benefits=The FedEx Custom Critical {0} enables ... mainPage.shippingLinkName=Shipping Toolkit

Put this at the top of the JSP:
<fmt:setBundle basename="com.nvisia.training.struts.resources.ApplicationResources"/>
<bean:define name="stLink" scope="page">
<html:link action="/shipping">
<bean:message key="mainPage.shippingLinkName"/>

In the body of the jsp:
<fmt:message key="message.benefits">
    <param value="stLink"/>

Regards, Evan.

Very elegant solution.

struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
Linux 2.4.20 RH9

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