Thank you very much for the detailed explanation. 
Yet, I still have hard time to make my application
work -- I am "able" to display the welcome page (no
problem). And I have
in the address bar.

However, after I click on the LOGON button in the
welcome page, the welcome page remains in the browser.
 The logon.jsp, which collects j-username, j_passwor,
does not get displayed and
shows in the address bar.

I do not know what went wrong.  Could it be that the
JDBCRealm is not configured correctly?

Because the LOGON button links to a forward: 
<html:link forward="logon">LOGON</html:link>
and in my struts-config.xml, I have 


The /do/admin/Menu is my protected resources.  I keep
it unchanged.

1. I configured the Tomcat JDBCRealm and prepared the
users table, user-roles table according the
instructions found at

2. Because I want to use FORM based container managed
authentication, I inserted 


in the web.xml file.

3. I put logon.jsp in the ApplicationRoot/signin
folder.  Here is the code of the logon.jsp (I took out
all the Struts tags) and I know the code works well
because I have tested it:

<TITLE>Container Managed Authentication</TITLE>
<H1>Sign in, Please</H1>
<FORM action="j_security_check" method="post"
<TABLE border="0" width="50%" cellspacing=3
<TH align="right">User Name:</TH>
<TD align="left"><INPUT TYPE=text NAME="j_username"
<TH align="right">Password:</TH>
<TD align="left"><INPUT TYPE=password
NAME="j_password" SIZE="10"/></TD>
<TD align="right"><INPUT TYPE=submit
<TD align="left"><INPUT TYPE=reset VALUE="Reset"></TD>

--- "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Caroline Jen wrote:
> >Thank you for your reply.  I am using container
> >managed authentication.
> >
> >My problem is "how to go from j_security_check back
> to
> >my Struts framework."
> >  
> >
> That turns out to not be your problem ... that is
> the container's problem.
> The key thing to remember is that the user should
> never access your 
> login page (whatever it's URL is) directly. 
> Instead, form-based login 
> is triggered the first time that an unauthenticated
> user requests a URL 
> that is protected by a security constraint.  What
> happens next goes like 
> this:
> (1) Unauthenticated user requests a protected
> resource (*NOT* the login 
> page!)
> (2) Container remembers the protected resource that
> was requested
>      in a private variable.
> (3) Container displays the login page, which must
> have a destination
>      of "j_security_check", and waits for the user
> submit.  For some 
> containers,
>      including Tomcat, this is the one-and-only time
> that submitting to
>      "j_security_check" will not return a 404.
> (4) User enters username and password, and presses
> the submit button.
> (5) Container authenticates the username and
> password combination.
>      If valid, container recalls the resource saved
> in (2) and displays 
> *that*
>      to the user in response to the login submit.
> If this doesn't make sense, temporarily switch your
> app to use BASIC 
> authentication instead, and walk through the
> process.  The user 
> experience will be identical except that the "login
> page" will be a 
> popup dialog box instead of your configured login
> page.  (Technically, 
> it's different in one other respect -- it's the
> *browser* that does the 
> remembering in step (2) and the restoring in step
> (5), but the user 
> doesn't know that).
> The important point is that, at no time, did anyone
> ever submit a 
> request to the URL of the login page, because there
> is no such thing 
> when using BASIC authentication.  You should pretend
> there is no such 
> thing when using form based login, also; think of
> the login page as part 
> of the container, not part of your app.
> In answer to your original question, the simplest
> thing to do on a login 
> page is just use the standard HTML form element
> instead of the Struts 
> <html:form> tag.  Then, you can just say:
>   <form method="POST" action="j_security_check">
>     ...
>   </form>
> Craig
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