If you're using a JSP 1.2 container, JSTL can help out a bit. It doesn't look
like you need an HTML form for any of this, you're constructing a bunch of links
that will issue GETs to the action mapped to "/changePage". As long as that
mapping uses a (Struts) form with a property called "pageName", it should work.


<form-bean name="changePageForm" type="org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm">
  <form-property name="pageName" type="java.lang.String"/>

<action path="/changePage"


<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>

<%@ taglib prefix="c"    uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core"; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="html" uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-html"; %>

<c:set var="commonImagePath"
<c:set var="currentPageName" value="${sessionScope.currentPageName}"/>
<c:set var="topMenu" value="${sessionScope.topMenu}"/>


<c:forEach var="topMenuItem" items="${topMenu}">
    <c:when test="${topMenuItem.menuItemName eq currentPageName}">
      <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabselected">
        <img src="<c:out value="${commonImagePath}/page_name_left_selected.gif"/>"
      <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabunselected">
        <html:link action="/changePage"
          <img src="<c:out


Quoting Joanne L Corless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I know this may seem a little rude but no-one picked up on my question and
> I really could use some help with this
> Regards
> Joanne Corless
> ----- Forwarded by Joanne L Corless/UK/CSC on 14/10/03 13:36 -----
>                       Joanne L Corless                                       
>                       /UK/CSC                  To:     
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               
>                                                cc:                           
>                       13/10/03 17:12           Subject: Best Practice
> Question re: html links                                                   
> Hi,
> I am implementing a struts application with menu lists which need to be
> dynamic based on a user role hierarchy, i.e not a simple user role = menu
> list. Therefore I cannot set up menu lists in the tile definitions file as
> they are
> I hold the menu list in a database which I am accessing via an EJB and
> returning to the session using a vector of DAO object 's which contain the
> basic information about each menu item, i.e name, link,type (we have
> different types of links some open a pop-up window, others run an inline
> java applet)
> Currently I am using standard Java scriptlets to access the vector and
> print it out in the JSP tile page example below:
> <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" language="java" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/struts/tiles" prefix="tiles" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/struts/logic" prefix="logic" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/struts/bean" prefix="bean" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/struts/html" prefix="html" %>
> <%@ page import="com.csc.ebilling.ejb.common.MenuItemDAO" %>
> <%
>      String commonImagePath= request.getContextPath()
> +"/presentation/DEFAULT/images";
>      String currentPageName = (String)session.getAttribute
> ("currentPageName");
>      java.util.Vector topMenu = (java.util.Vector) session.getAttribute
> ("topMenu");
> %>
> <table>
> <tr>
> <%
>   for (int i=0;i<topMenu.size();i++){
>     // pageContext.setAttribute("topMenuItem", topMenuItem,
> PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
>     MenuItemDAO topMenuItem = (MenuItemDAO) topMenu.get(i);
>     if (topMenuItem.getMenuItemName().equals(currentPageName))
>     {
> %>
>   <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabselected">
>              <img src="<%=commonImagePath%>/page_name_left_selected.gif"
> border="0">
>    </td>
>     <td valign="bottom" background="
> <%=commonImagePath%>/page_name_mid_selected.gif" align="center" class
> ="tabselected" nowrap style="background-repeat: repeat-x;">
>         <span class="tabselected"><%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName()%></span>
>     </td>
>   <td valign="bottom" align="left" class="tabselected">
>         <img src="<%=commonImagePath%>/page_name_right_selected.gif" border
> ="0">
>    </td>
> <%
> }
> else
> {
> %>
>   <td valign="bottom" align="right" class="tabunselected">
>        <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/changePage.do?pageName
> =<%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName()%>">
>         <img src="<%=commonImagePath%>/page_name_left_unselected.gif"
> border="0">
>        </a>
>   </td>
>   <td valign="bottom" background="
> <%=commonImagePath%>/page_name_mid_unselected.gif" align="center" class
> ="tabunselected" nowrap style="background-repeat: repeat-x;">
>        <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/changePage.do?pageName
> =<%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName()%>">
>         <span class="tabunselected"><%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName
> ()%></span>
>        </a>
>  </td>
>   <td valign="bottom" align="left" class="tabunselected">
>       <a href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/changePage.do?pageName
> =<%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName()%>">
>             <img src="<%=commonImagePath%>/page_name_right_unselected.gif"
> border="0">
>         </a>
>   </td>
> <%
>  }
>   }
> %>
> </tr>
> </table>
> I realise that this is not best practice and I should be using the tag-libs
> but I'm struggling to make the tag-libs work, I'm also confused about
> whether this tile needs to be inside a form as I am not actually submitting
> anything (as in a Login page), however I do need to pass a pageName
> parameter into the request.
> The above example does work (sort of) however I am unable to extract the
> pageName parameter in my action class as it keeps returning null
> I would really appreciate some pointers as I thought I had struts figured
> but I now realise I've gone wrong somewhere along the line
> Regards
> Joanne Corless
> CSC Computer Sciences Limited
> (   Office +44 (0)1772 318025
> ( Mobile +44 (0)7767 656588
> Based at: CSC, Alliance House, Library Road, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7EN
> CSC Computer Sciences Limited: Registered in England, No. 963578.
> Registered office: Royal Pavilion, Wellesley Road, Aldershot, Hampshire,
> GU11 1PZ.

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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