>>>>> "Steve" == Steve Raeburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > The nightly build has a method that allows you to store
    > messages in the session.  They are automatically removed
    > after being displayed.

    > Action: protected void saveMessages(HttpSession session,
    > ActionMessages messages)

Looks interesting (thinking about it - yes - we only need messages and
not errors after a redirect).

Just downloaded the nightly and installed it.

            ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();

                         new ActionMessage("message.login.succeeded"));

            saveMessages(session, messages);

Compiles and runs OK.

And the message code JSP:

    <logic:messagesPresent message="true">
      <html:messages id="message" message="true">
        <p class="message"><c:out value="${messsge}"/></p>

Nothing displays.

Does this have to change to use the session messges object? 

So - summary:

1) Errors are working (request scope)

2) Messages are not working (session scope)

with the nightly dated 16.10.2003.

Chris Searle

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