Have you thought about putting the customer name into request scope in your actions and using some type of expression (perhaps using struts-el or JSTL) to write out the title? So, for example, you'd have something roughly (forgive the fact that I'm not doing it in el):

<% pageTitle = "%><bean.write name="titleFromTiles"><%, " + customerName; %>

So rather than putting the actual final title into the page, you'd put in a pattern, and rely on the individual tiles to actually compose the page title out of the tiles attribute.

Does that make any sense?

Kirk Wylie
M7 Corporation

PhilNoon wrote:
I am using tiles. I define the title of a web page in tiles-defs.xml as in
this snippet:

  <definition name="tiles.customer.title.parcels"
    <put name="title"     value="Customer Consignment Note"/>
    <put name="content"   value="/pages/customerTitleParcels.jsp"/>

Then in my jsp, I have:

<tiles:getAsString name="title"/>

Which outputs "Customer Consignment Note" as expected.

Now my client wants the title to read "Consignment Note for XXXX" where xxxx
is the customer's name.

Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

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