I've never used Tiles, but one approach would be to put the title in a
properties file:

parcelsTitle=Consignment Note for {0}

Then set up a Tiles attribute to hold the key for the title message. I guess it
would look something like:

<definition name="tiles.customer.title.parcels"
  <put name="titleKey" value="parcelsTitle"/>
  <put name="content" value="/pages/customerTitleParcels.jsp"/>

Then create a scoped variable to hold the key (not sure if this is right):

<tiles:importAttribute name="titleKey"/>

Finally, use <bean:message> with the key and dynamic customer name:

<jsp:useBean id="customerName" type="java.lang.String"/>
<bean:message name="titleKey" arg0="<%= customerName %>"/>


<bean-el:message name="titleKey" arg0="${customerName}"/>

Quoting Kirk Wylie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Have you thought about putting the customer name into request scope in 
> your actions and using some type of expression (perhaps using struts-el 
> or JSTL) to write out the title? So, for example, you'd have something 
> roughly (forgive the fact that I'm not doing it in el):
> <% pageTitle = "%><bean.write name="titleFromTiles"><%, " + customerName;
> %>
> <title><%=pageTitle%></title>
> So rather than putting the actual final title into the page, you'd put 
> in a pattern, and rely on the individual tiles to actually compose the 
> page title out of the tiles attribute.
> Does that make any sense?
> Kirk Wylie
> M7 Corporation
> PhilNoon wrote:
> > I am using tiles. I define the title of a web page in tiles-defs.xml as
> in
> > this snippet:
> > 
> >   <definition name="tiles.customer.title.parcels"
> > extends="tiles.default.layout">
> >     <put name="title"     value="Customer Consignment Note"/>
> >     <put name="content"   value="/pages/customerTitleParcels.jsp"/>
> >   </definition>
> > 
> > Then in my jsp, I have:
> > 
> >   <tiles:getAsString name="title"/>
> > 
> > Which outputs "Customer Consignment Note" as expected.
> > 
> > Now my client wants the title to read "Consignment Note for XXXX" where 
> > xxxx
> > is the customer's name.
> > 
> > Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>

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