If the tools are being developed by the same people, you'll probably be better off using mutiple struts configuration files than modules. Modules are best suited for when things are being developed by independant parties who aren't working together.

If that doesn't describe you, then just give each tool it's own subdirectory and use that same name to identify everything else that goes with the tool.

Even if you used modules, you can't distribute them as separate WARs.

If your container supports single logon, as Tomcat does, you can distribute each tool as a separate application and flip back and forth between after a single logon. With a modern container, you can also share JARs and save some resources. The applications can't share session information, though, so you'd have to pass everything through the request or cookies or a database.

HTH, Ted.

Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  - <http://www.manning.com/massol/>,
  Struts in Action - <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>,
  JSP Site Design  - <http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=1861005512>.

Michael Blair wrote:
I have a question regarding overall architecture. I am going to have a huge
web app; well it will be a suite of web based tools. Lets say I will have
one main menu, and from there possibly 5 separate modules (separate content
areas). First, how hard is it to have a struts-config for each module (I
have an example below). Second, can each "module" be in its own war and
still be able to go back and forth among the other modules?


now the actions work fine in the default config, but how do I call an action
FROM the default to module 1? Here is what I have tried in my .jsp. Note,
this .jsp is part of the default and im trying to call something in module1.



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