Looks OK.

However, I would not use a basic array  (private members) but ArrayList,
HashMap or LinkedList, etc.

I did not manage to have arrays working (the lazy initialization

You will have problems in JSPs.

Le dim 26/10/2003 Ã 18:04, Rajat Pandit a Ãcrit :
> Hello fred,
> Thanks for the  reply, so just for clarifiation, if I am using a
> property which will be "indexed" then the getters and setters will be a
> little different from the usual set and get
> Ie
> public String getBidAmount(int index) {
>       return bidAmount[index];
> }
> And 
> public  void setBidAmount(int index, String val) {
>       bidAmount[index] = val;
> }
> And have to implement the bidAmoutn as an array?
> Protected String[] bidAmount;
> Do confirm if igot that right?
> Thanks once again for ur time.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frederic Dernbach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 8:23 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Indexed properties help!
> Rajat,
> Here is an example of an indexed property called 'signal' (in my
> application it holds complex objects, not simple strings or integers):
>       public OrderedSignalBean getSignal(int index) {
>               while( index >= this.getSignals().size() ){
>                       this.getSignals().add(new OrderedSignalBean());
>               }
>               return (OrderedSignalBean) this.getSignals().get(index);
>       }
>       public void setSignal(int index, OrderedSignalBean signal) {
>               while ( index >= signals.size() ){
>                       signals.add(new OrderedSignalBean());
>               }
>               signals.set(index, signal);
>       }
> The 'signals' member is private and is of type 'ArrayList'. It is
> created in the form's contructor and the reset method of the form :
> signals = new ArrayList().
> The setter and getter methods of the indexed property perform so-clled
> "lazy-initialization" so you do not have to worry about the siez of the
> array list.
> Hope this helps.
> Fred 
> Le dim 26/10/2003 Ã 16:54, Rajat Pandit a Ãcrit :
> > Hello,
> > I am pasting some excepts from the struts documentation. It would be 
> > really great if someone could help me clear this.
> > 
> > Question 1:
> > <!-- snip -->
> >  The "indexed tags" feature is provided by several tags that have an 
> > optional boolean "indexed" attribute. This is only legal when inside a
> > "<logic:iterate>" tag. When the "indexed" attribute is true, then the 
> > tag will incorporate the loop index into the resulting HTML component.
> > 
> > The several tags that support the "indexed" attribute can be broken 
> > into three groups, split by what they do to incorporate the loop index
> > into the resulting HTML component.
> > Group 1     Group 2 Group 3
> > checkbox    button  link
> > file        image    
> > hidden      submit   
> > password             
> > radio                
> > select               
> > text                 
> > textarea             
> > 
> > In Group 1, all of these tags will generate an HTML "name" attribute 
> > of "name[nn].property". The value of each tag will also be initialized
> > by the getter method corresponding to that property specification. 
> > <!--snip -->
> > 
> > 
> > So if I have name[nn].property, that essentially means I am creating 
> > an array of the form. But what I really need is an array of property, 
> > instead of the bean.
> > 
> > Question 2:
> > 
> > How should the property be declared in the the actionForm if it has to
> > receive an array of information.
> > 
> > 
> > thanks
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Rajat Pandit | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > +91 612 3117606
> > [ Developer and Part Time Human Being]
> > 
> > 
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