One way of accomplishing what you want to do, I think, is simply making calls to the appropriate Struts classes that are called when <html:link> is parsed & compiled. Instead of outputting an <html:link> - just call those methods with the arguments that you would write out as <html:link> attributes, and you should get pretty close to what you're trying to achieve (without the performance hit ;)


Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

Lukas Bradley wrote:

Hi all,

Maybe I'm just tired, but the answer to this is not to be found. I could me
making this harder than it is, or something might be right in front of me,
and I don't see it.

What I want is a custom tag that creates other custom tags.  Here is a
simple example:

<lukas:myTag lang="en" />

Should produce something like this:

<tr><td><html:file property="formFile" styleClass="FormField"/></td></tr>
<!-- Imagine a lot more custom tags here -->

Which should then evaluate to:

 <tr><td><input type="file" name="formFile" value=""
  <!-- Imagine a lot more custom tags rendering here. -->

I've thought about trying to extend BodyTagSupport, return
EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED in doStartTag(), modify the bodyContent in doAfterBody(),
then return EVAL_PAGE() in doEndTag(). However, BodyContent has a protected
constructor, and no way to set its content.

I want to maintain the functionality gained from Struts-like custom tags,
while extracting the creation of them in a super-duper momma tag. Any help?

It's not much help, except in the sense that it will put your search for the answer out of it's misery :-). What you are trying to do is not supported by JSP -- the reason is that custom tags are converted into appropriate method calls at page compile time. After that, they are just executed. To accomplish what you are after, you would need another layer of compilation.

You'll need to come up with a different approach to accomplish what you are after.



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