jstl solution:
 in your jsp:
   <fmt:setBundle basename="com.myapp.one" var="oneProps"/>
   <fmt:setBundle basename="com.myapp.two" var="twoProps"/>

   <fmt:message key="errors.header"

   <fmt:message key="approval.001"
you probably also want to declare a default resource in your deployment
descriptor(web.xml) as such:


now you can access the default in the jsp without specifying a bundle:
   <fmt:message key="errors.header"/>


From: Ashish Kulkarni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: how to use 2 resource files in one struts-config.xml?
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 08:00:46 -0800 (PST)

I have 2 message resource files,
com.myapp.one.properties and com.myapp.two.properties
I haev some messages in one and some messages in two,
and want to display these in jsp and in action class
how do i define them in my struts-config.xml and use
them with <bean:message...> tag.
This is what i am trying but is not working
parameter="com.myapp.one" />
<message-resources  key="message1"
parameter="com.myapp.two" />

and in my jsp i have
<bean:message key="errors.header"/> , where
errors.header is defines in one.properties
<bean:message key="approval.001"/>
which is defines in two.properties file
i also tried
<bean:message key="message1.approval.001"/>
but does not work

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