doesn't seem to work on mine ... being spending sometime trying to figure out:P Any help to point to the right direction will be appreciated.

I do it step by step and make sure it's work on single struts configuration files and single tile configuration file, then I move it to multiple struts configuration file and follow the example given by Ted, but without using the tile. it's work fine. Then I put in the tiles in, and thing start to get unstable, sometime it's display fine and sometime it's wouldn't fine.
I can't seem to track down the problem, here is my configuration file:
<forward name="goToSystem" contextRelative="true" path="/system/" />

<action type="org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction" validate="false" parameter="system.index" scope="request" path="/showIndex" />

<definition name="system.index" extends="system.main">
        <put name="body"       value="/system/index.jsp" />

the error message:
is path "system.index" doesn't start with the character "/"

my altimate goal is to used multiple struts configuration file and multiple tiles configuration file, but now I would be happy to settle for multiple struts configuration file and single tiles configuration file.


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