Since JUnit on Action is hot off the presses, this time we'll be offering the winner the choice of a signed copy of SIA *OR* JUnit in Action.

(Just my signature in both cases, I'm afraid, logistics prevent circulating these to my many co-authors.)

But, first, last time we offered up a "holiday treat" question. We asked contestants to name the famous science fiction series whose various peoples and institutions were made to say:


"Truth is a chameleon."

"All persons are contained within a single individual, just as all time
is in a moment, and the entire universe is in a grain of sand."

"One observes the survivors, and learns from them."


to which many respondents correctly answered "Dune".

The winning reply, selected arbitrarily, is:


(Jeremy, please send your surface mail address to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Thanks to the many people who took the time to play.


In honor of JUnit in Action hitting the streets, this time we ask contestants to finish this quote and identifier the writer:


Tests are the Programmer's Stone ...


PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and to both

* finish the quote, and
* identify the author.

The winner will be selected at random (or at least arbitrarily) from the
correct responses. [The correct response being the one I expected =:)]

The contest will run until Friday, November 14, 2003, 23:59:59, so
everyone has a chance to participate.

The lucky winner selected from the correct responses will receive their choice of either a signed copy of Struts in Action *OR* JUnit in Action.

PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you have an interesting science fiction or computer science quote
that is hard to google (or at least not *too* easy), please send it to me. The first to suggest a
quote that we use also wins!


PLEASE be sure to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ted Husted,
  Junit in Action  - <>,
  Struts in Action - <>,
  JSP Site Design  - <>.

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