It should work if the two html forms are on the same page, if that's
what you want.

Populating your selection box is another question, you probably need to
prepare the data as collections in your action and send that to the
request. There are tons of threads in the archive on this, so I'm not
getting into the details.


-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Maves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 3:05 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: simple design question


Now are you telling me that the two html form can be on the same page?

What about pre-loading the select boxes with information?

On Nov 13, 2003, at 10:43 AM, Saul Q Yuan wrote:

> Ok, then,
> 1. Let's say you declare your form as MyForm, which is of type
> "DynaValidatorActionForm" in Struts-config.xml.
> 2. And you declare your actions as /myAction1 and /myAction2
> respectively.
> 3. Then in validation.xml, declare your validation as:
> <form name="/myAction1">
>       <field ... >
>         <arg0 ... />
>       </field>
> </form>
> <form name="/myAction2">
>       <field ... >
>         <arg0 ... />
>       </field>
> </form>
> 4. Add necessary codes in your jsp files to support client side JS
> validation.
>       a.
>        <html:form action="/" onsubmit="return
> validateMyForm(this);">
>       b.
>                               <html:javascript formName="/myAction1"
> method="validateMyForm" dynamicJavascript="true"
> staticJavascript="false" />
>                               <script language="Javascript1.1"
> src="staticJavascript.jsp"></script>
>       same for the other jsp page.
> Hope this helps
> Saul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nathan Maves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:23 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: simple design question
> This sounds like what I need!  Can you explain a little more.. :)
> Thanks in advance,
> nathan
> On Nov 13, 2003, at 10:10 AM, Saul Q Yuan wrote:
>> Then a simple answer, one solution would be, use a single form, two
>> actions, and use action (path) based validation.
>> Saul
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Nathan Maves [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 12:02 PM
>> Subject: simple design question
>> I have a simple design question..
>> I have to forms.
>> first form is one simple select box that needs to have the values
>> populated from a db.
>> This form needs to have validation and the submit to the second form.
>> The second form need to populate a select box based on the value from
>> the first form.  This form also need to be validated and then forward
>> on to the display jsp.
>> How many form beans and actions will I need?  I would like to use
>> dynavalidatorforms as well.
>> Current setup is an action that places an arraylist into an attribute
>> of the request then forward to the first form.
>> I dont know how to get the first form to auto validate and forward to
>> the second form.
>> nathan
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