
i am trying to get torque 3.1 running. Since i am quit new to persistent
frameworks i fugured that i just had no clue of how to get it to work.
But now i start getting confused about the distribution.

I downloaded the zip-file from
http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-turbine/torque/release/3.1/, but
obviously, the tree structure is different from version 3.0. I am missing
/schema, besides i can't find the build-torque.xml.

The only thing, version 3.1 offers, is a quit nice build.xml  to generate a
properties-file for torque. But that's all, IMHO!

Is there something wrong with the 3.1 zip-Distribution of torque? Or am i
just very, very tired from sitting in front of my computer?


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