hi, i'am sorry to trouble you if you receive this mail list about struts, i
hope you can give me a suggetion.

first, i found a question about struts validation . when you submit a form ,
and the validate method will valiate the form field. if the form element is
a text filed, you un-inpute the text filed, you will be noticed that you
must fill the text filed,and the other text field you have filled with some
data, after the form submit, the other text field 's data still in the text
field , but the select field you have choiced before has changed to the
default value, it can't remain the value you choiced before. but the text
filed can keep the value,

what should do to keep the select field 's value to that my selected before
the form submit to check the validation. and the checkbox field is the same
as select field?

i don't know whether you can understand what i said, i don't think i can
express my problem to everyone...

i hope you can understand it... :)

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