When we submit the form, we call a Javascript function to set a hidden field ('target_field'), which is where we want to go on the updated page :

function submitForm(theForm, actionChoice, targetFieldName) {
       setValue(theForm.query, actionChoice);
       setValue(theForm.target_field, targetFieldName);

Then, when we display the page, we use another Javascript function to scroll to the right place :

function jumpField(oForm,ofield) {
       var i=0;
       var elementsLength = oForm.elements.length;

       for ( i=0 ; i <= elementsLength-1 ; i++ ) {
               var fName = oForm.elements[i].name;
               if ( fName == ofield.name ) {
               } else {


Bjørn T Johansen wrote:

Does anyone have any examples? My javascript knowledge isn't where it
should be yet....


On Wed, 2003-12-03 at 14:49, John Smart wrote:

We did something like that using an extra field (focus) to know where you are and some javascript to place the focus at the right place when the page is redisplayed.

Bjørn T Johansen wrote:

I have a number of jsp pages that are longer than one page and if I am
at the bottom of a page and submit the page, I get back at the top of
the page. Is there a way to get back, after the submit, to the place you
were before the submit?



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John Ferguson Smart, PhD
Directeur de Projet
Département informatique Communicante AACOM

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